Implants are in some cases the most innovative and often the only option for solid dentures.
They are made of biocompatible materials, usually titanium, and ensure high compatibility. After an implant has been placed and fused with the bone tissue, thus ensuring a stable anchoring in the jawbone, the implant can be supplied with customized dentures.
The big advantage of the implants is that in the ideal case, gaps in the teeth are closed and in these areas further stimulation of the jawbone takes place, whereby a progressive bone loss is prevented.

Implants still need enough bone and soft tissue to stay stable in the long term. Only after an intensive consultation with an implantologist and after a clinical finding a meaningful planning and therapy can be carried out.

If you are interested in dental implants and would like to know further details, please do not hesitate to contact us. We cooperate with experienced implantologists from the environment and accompany you personally to the final prosthetic restoration.